Supplements for Cancer vs Food – Which Is Best?
Do we really need to take supplements if we eat a good, wholesome diet? What about supplements for cancer? Or any other chronic dis-ease? These questions regularly come up when the topic of healthy eating is discussed, especially amongst those who already have a more than basic understanding of the power of food in the healing process.
In my humble opinion, the best food comes from the best soil! We can only survive if we care for our planet, if we take care of the soil and support soil health, because the nutrients in the soil are the source of all nutrition for all lifeforms.
Due to intensive deforestation and farming, resulting in valuable nutrients disappearing from the soil, the nutritional quality of all food has greatly diminished over the last century or more. As a naturopathic nutritionist, I have witnessed how poor quality food (and many other negative aspects) affects our ability to function optimally from day to day, but also how denatured foods play a huge part in limiting our bodies’ ability to fully recover from dis-ease.
So, common sense tells us that eating the best available organic foods should be at the top of our daily ‘TO DO’ list.
As a side note, there is overwhelming evidence that suggests even today’s organic soil is nowhere near as nutrient-dense as it was in the days before the industrial revolution led to intensive farming practices, that continue to deplete the organic nutrients we absolutely must have to stay healthy.
What can we do to get the nutrients we need?
I suggest that we always eat organic or bio-dynamic foods. Grow as much food as we can in our gardens or allotments. Remember, the plants are only as good as the soil they are grown in, so having knowledge of soil health is hugely important. Together Against Cancer will be putting something together in regards to foraging, a very interesting subject to consider. We also have a passionate expert, Dave Voce, who regularly hosts workshops about foraging and microgreens.
So, are supplements required if our diet is optimal?
Unfortunately, I have to say yes, especially for those people who are dealing with a chronic disease such as cancer.
A high number of people, especially those living with cancer, have suboptimal levels of vitamin D. Those following a plant-based diet quite often do too. As a result, I advise a good quality D3 supplement for everyone. The best way to get D3 is from moderate sun exposure, but because we have long winters and many cloudy days in this part of the world, taking a vitamin D supplement all year round will help to ensure that we are getting our required amount.
A B12 supplement is also recommended and essential for those not consuming any animal based foods. There is limited research that suggests there may be small amounts of B12 in fermented foods, but for the moment I recommend a good quality supplement to be on the safe side.
Some orthodox cancer treatments can reduce healthy levels of some essential nutrients, especially those which affect appetite and induce nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. In these instances, certain supplements for cancer may be helpful in restoring normal levels, if allowed, of course, by the oncologist/specialist.
The right supplements, at the right time, can be hugely beneficial alongside a nutrient-rich alkaline diet. The TAC Nutrition for Life workshops are a great way of delving a little deeper into this subject. Do book on or find a full list of all our events and workshops at:
Words by Stephen Gamble, Naturopathic Nutritionist at Together Against Cancer.
Stephen also offers free 1-to-1 nutritional coaching to all our registered clients & carers. Please get in touch on 0116 246 0195 to find out more.